If you've been on the internet recently, you've probably come across the Candwich, a sandwich innovation with "grab-and-go convenience," and one would imagine, the faint taste of a can and preservatives out the wazoo.
It has actually been in the news because investor Travis L. Wright used funds for real estate investments to finance the Candwich instead. Fraudulent investments aside, Mark Kirkland, president of Mark One Foods, hopes to go into production this year.
So it is entirely possible, that sometime this year or next, you will go to your local grocer and find Candwich on an aisle. I suppose next to the tomato sauce & canned peas? I'm not really sure how you would classify a canned sandwich in grocery store terms. I am sure that these are the kind of products we need less of, not more. If you don't have time to make a sandwich, you need to reevaluate your life.